
Based on the analysis of research results of well-known scientists, the pedagogical conditions for the formation of foreign language professional competence of future specialists in agricultural engineering using innovative information and communication educational technologies, involving the organization of the educational process aimed at the principles of formation of foreign language competence and stimulating professional motivation of applicants for higher education are substantiated. The main reasons for the inefficient use of innovative technologies in agricultural and technical institutions of higher education have been identified. The necessary organizational conditions for the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process during the study of foreign languages have been determined. The necessity of training foreign language teachers to work in the conditions of computerization of educational process, cooperation with teachers of general technical and special professional disciplines for coordination of working curricula and selection of didactic and methodical materials corresponding to professionally oriented subjects is proved. Based on the analysis of best practices of specialists in computerization of the educational process, the main functions of Internet services, software and communication tools in the use of innovative information and communication educational technologies in the educational process in training future agricultural engineers are defined.

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