
The recreational and tourist potential of Roztocze, a region in the south-east of Poland, bordering on Ukraine, its tourist specialization and opportunities for the development of cooperation with Ukraine in the field of recreation and tourism have been revealed. The resource base of the Roztocze region for the formation of its modern tourist specialization, in particular, gastronomic, urban, rural green, pedestrian, literary, historical- cognitive and military types of tourism has been studied. The specifics of gastronomic tourism in the region, which is based on a rather specific agricultural base of Roztocze, are revealed. The poor nature of Polissya and economic underdevelopment in the past led to a low standard of living for the local population, which was reflected in its food preferences. The main ingredients of Roztocze cuisine are porridge, cheese, sauerkraut, and peas, but now they are at a high price due to their health benefits. It is noted that there are no meat and sweet dishes among the delicacies of Roztocze, which reflects the standard of living and nutrition of the population of this region in the past. So, the most famous Roztocze “delicacy” – a cake with onion (Polish – cebularz), but now this dish of local misery has become a Polish pride, as it was the first product of the Lublin Voivodeship, which received the Protected Geographical Indication of the European Union. Today it is the first product that is recommended to tourists upon arrival in Roztocze. Interesting are other dishes of local cuisine – Roztochan borsch, which locals call Ukrainian, cakes made of flour and water, potato pancakes with dough with potatoes and eggs, local dumplings, stuffed with buckwheat porridge and cheese, Roztochan cutlets, which are made from buckwheat porridge, cheese, and potatoes. The simple and healthy nature of Roztocze cuisine included restrictions on the consumption of sweets. The range of gastronomy of Roztocze can be found at local gastronomic festivals, such as Galician Fair “Tastes of Roztocze” in Narol, local product festival in Zamost, Lublin meetings with hunting tradition and culture in Zwierzyniec, the festival of Kresy Meals in Bashnya Dolna, etc. Tourist resources of the main cities of Roztocze – Zamost, Tomaszow Lubelski, Szczebrzeszyn have been revealed. Routes of military and bicycle tourism on the basis of visiting of fortifications of so-called Molotov lines, which have survived in large numbers in Roztocze are offered. The legendary origin of Swedish table style, connected with war experience of the city of Zamosc during Mideveal times is revealed. Tank battle place from II World War near the city of Tomaszow Lubelski is considered a great tourist attraction. The city of Szczebrzeszyn is a place of all Poland Literature Festival. Touristic routes connect Zamosc and Tomaszow Lubelski with the Ukrainian city of Lviv. Local Polish tourist firms propose tours of sentimental tourism to Ukrainian historic cities of Kamianets-Podilskiy and Kremenets and also to Chernobyl zone.

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