
The article deals with the methodical issues of student pedagogical practice. The author emphasizes that this type of work is very important for the professional development of a specialist. It is advisable to take into account the experience and requirements for the classics of world and domestic pedagogy in order to improve the practice. The main conditions for the successful passing of the practice to students is their motivation, love for children, knowledge of the subject and teaching methods, psychology and pedagogy. It is also worth reviewing existing practice programs, updating the method of their recommendations in terms of a person-centered approach. The emphasis on the future teacher's cooperation with colleagues, students, and parents deserves attention. A comprehensive approach to the solution of educational and educational problems will contribute to the formation of respect for education in general. The idea of training methodologists for such work, focusing their attention not only on the content of the subject, but also on working with the future teacher in the direction of their socialization in school, deserves attention. The procedure for passing the practice is regulated by the Regulations on the practice of students. An important role is played in the process of passing the practice of mastering students-practitioners with pedagogical tact, pedagogical technique, and communicative skills. New approaches to the organization of pedagogical practice include: developing a system of practical training in accordance with the new content of pedagogical education; introduction of modern forms of continuous pedagogical practice as an important factor in forming the professional readiness of the future teacher and his ability to work in the context of expanding teaching and pedagogical space; introduction of pre-diploma practice at the place of future employment.

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