
The relevant scientific problems include characterizing different models of public order in the context of divergence of economic development; deepening the understanding of public welfare as a measure to meet the needs and results of public policy; assessment of the cognitive and practical potential of modern concepts of historical and institutional explanation of the differentiation of the world economy for the optimization of regulatory measures of economic policy in Ukraine. The purpose of this article is to determine the features of the relationship between the nature of institutions, in particular institutional models of public order, on the one hand, and economic development and social welfare on the other. The research methodology combines the tools of evolutionary economic theory, comparative analysis and institutional history. The theoretical basis is the idea of D. North on the types of institutional models of public order. Despite the historical and national features of the formation and functioning of different economic systems, their success and failure can be explained on the basis of typology of North's models. The open access model is more conducive to economic growth and social welfare. Ensuring the institutional conditions for the realization of human rights, economic freedom and legal protection contributes to higher results. Instead, the restricted access model is characterized by slow economic growth and vulnerability to challenges, low level of social consolidation and economic solidarity, dominance of hierarchical ties and insecurity of property rights. It has been proven that institutional changes aimed at increasing public welfare should ensure the transformation of the economic model towards greater availability of resources and opportunities, replacing extractive relations and vertical relations with partnerships and horizontal relations. Economic policy analysis and evaluation is an important component of successful institutional transformations.

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