
The article raises the problem of the development of legal consciousness of modern youth. Young people are of particular scientific interest in the study of the formation of legal consciousness in modern Russian society. Analyzing the psychological, social and ideological determinants of the formation of the legal consciousness of the young generation, the authors come to the conclusion that the key principle of the legal consciousness of young people is the «ouroboros» — the archetypal symbol of a snake biting its own tail, its own determination. Against the background of the general negative indicators of statistics on crimes and delinquencies of young people, the low level of education and confidence of the young population in the current government and law enforcement agencies, an analysis of the reasons and conditions for the dynamics of the legal consciousness of young people is carried out. The study of statistical data, the results of a number of sociological surveys allow us to come to the conclusion about the peculiarities of the formation of the legal consciousness of the younger generation, as well as the specifics of the legal consciousness of the youth of the Republic of Crimea, which has recently become part of the Russian Federation.

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