
<p style="text-align: justify;">The problem of studying socio-psychological disadaptation in adolescence occupies one of the central places in psychology. Socio-psychological disadaptation is always associated with multivariate difficulties that mediate a certain form of behavior. Modern researchers offer a fairly wide range of both definitions of this phenomenon and various classification groups. In this connection, the purpose of this theoretical study is to review some typologies of socio-psychological disadaptation and their relationship with the system of value orientations in the concepts of foreign and domestic authors. For the study, methods such as the analysis of scientific literature, the study and generalization of the experience and views of various foreign and domestic researchers on the types and types of socio-psychological disadaptation and their relationship with specific types of value orientations were used. In the course of the theoretical analysis, the views of modern foreign and domestic researchers were considered. Thanks to the analysis, the types of socio-psychological disadaptation and their orientation were identified, an attempt was made to determine the relationship between values and the behavioral aspect, the relevance of further empirical research was determined, which consists in studying specifically related value orientations with the behavioral aspect.</p>

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