
Marine autonomous surface vessels came both numerous advantages and critical dangers that must be addressed early. The accident rate of autonomous vessels during the voyage cycle has an elevated level of navigational risk and the impact of cyberattacks due to the large number of receivers and transmitters of the maneuvering parameter control system and motion control coordinates along the planned trajectory. To organize accident-free navigation, it is necessary to perform highprecision planning of path coordinates using the method of trajectory points (TP), which takes into account the geometry of the path and the characteristics of the vessel. After this, it is necessary to identify hazardous areas by engineering means, determine the type of navigational risks, and plan ways to manage their level, to prepare shore operators and automatic ship control systems for maneuvering under the conditions of risks that may occur during its use. The solution to this problem should begin with the compilation of a generalized table of navigational risks and their percentage probability, and methods that will help avoid risks. One of the modern methods of determining risks is the engineering method of managing navigational risks, which determines the frequency of occurrence of various kind of risks and allows to provide preventive methods for the safe use of autonomous vessels by managing of their level. The methods of determining main navigational risks were proposed in this research, as well as systems of planning them in order to ensure the proper control. The obtained results can be used to ensure the navigational safety of autonomous vessels and also to improve methods of navigational risks planning and management by their level in the context of autonomous vessels application. Keywords: navigation risks, engineering method, safety planning of the trajectory points, managing by the safety level of autonomous ships.

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