
In this article, I conducted research on the similarities and differences between consonants and vowels of both Arabic and English, so that it may help teachers of the Quran in English- speaking countries, for example, the United Kingdom. I explored the translation of very difficult terms used in tajweed such as قلقلة which is in the phonetics of English “consonant release” if this term is literally translated to the native speaker by saying that it is the giving of movement to a sound in the place of articulationمخرج they will not understand it. Similarly, I explored the terms the place of articulation and manner of articulation for مخرج and صفة consecutively, homorganic for مشترك المخرج from the books of phonetics. If the Arabic terms are translated in this way, for example, the exit of sound it will be difficult for the students to understand. We usually find in the books that some consonants like ج، ذال ، وزاء are equivalent to Z , th, and ز sound , but I added the condition that they must be between two voiced sounds like vowels. For example, I concluded that ذال is like “th” in “within”, because in other contexts they become devoiced and resemble ث، س and چ. Dark L of English was judged as equal to لام مفخمة and it was made clear that if the teachers of Quranic recitation translate it to dignified L or honored L the native students will not understand them. It was suggested to the teachers to obverse the كاف sound in the reading of the students when it is in the stressed syllables such as "كلّا، "كالوا"so that aspiration after كاف is checked, because such kind of aspiration does not exist in Arabic. Similarly, when نون ساكن occurs before كاف in words like “إن كنتم" English speakers are liable to add ng sound (like that in “bank” of English) before كاف. The article has covered much information, the most important of which has been put forth in the summary also.

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