
The problem of training of teachers for educational and career-oriented activities in modern conditions of constant changes in the socio-economic situation and the growth of social self-organization is considered. The relevance of the study is determined by increasing demands of society and state not only to narrow professional, but also to general cultural level of a teacher; presence of a contradiction in the expectations of society and state of his / her skill, manifested in the effective educational and training activities, and the real state of affairs. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that employees of modern educational organization are offered to update such resource of educational space development as self-organizing constructive communities practicing non-formal education. It is proved that the trends of modern socio-cultural development indicate the importance of their form of educational interaction (“personal meeting”), the environment unfolding in them (“event community”), the type of continuous education (non-formal). According to the author, in modern pedagogical education special attention should be paid to conceptual work, which is demonstrated in the article on the example of the interrelated principles of continuity and openness. The author describes the aspects of understanding the term informal education in foreign and domestic educational discourse, reveals the essential characteristics of this phenomenon. The author’s development of a step-by-step scheme of actions is presented aimed at establishing interaction between formal (school) and non-formal (non-system) education.

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