
The purpose of the article is to develop and popularize recommendations related to using different methods of criminal analysis during expeditious proceedings and pretrial investigation provided by operational and search units of National Police. Methodology. Taking into account the purpose of article, specifics of object and subject of research it was taken couple of methods. Methodological base of article is the dialectical approach to analysis of using criminal analysis during conducting activities by operational and search units. In research we used the system of scientific methods: formal logic (abstraction, deduction, induction, analogy, synthesis) to detail the meaning of issues; empirical method – during carrying out experiments and interviewing exerts; system analysis method – to consider the innovational ways for solving the issues; theoretical method – during discovering scientific and methodological literature; modelling – during discovering certain objects by modelling their separate aspects. Scientific novelty. The article is a innovational due to necessity of modernization of modern forms and methods of criminal analysis during criminal and expeditious proceedings.It was developed algorithm of conducting analysis information about communication (this analysis is carrying out by officers from operational units at the request of investigators of National Police of Ukraine). Conclusions. It was developed and proposed some changes to Law of Ukraine «About Operational search activity». For example, it was proposed to add (in paragraph 4 first part of article 8) that due to conducting tasks of operational search work it is necessary to get information (that is a property of operators and providers of telecommunication about communications, subscribers, provision of telecommunication services, including receipt of services, their privacy, content, routes of transmission) according to articles 159–166b of Criminal Code of Ukraine taking into account the features mentioned in second part of article 8 of the same Code. Outcomes of research could be used in carrying out scientific projects in this sphere and also police officers in prevention of crimes. Keywords: analysis information about communication; operational units; criminal analysis; operational search measures; covert investigative actions.

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