
Statement of the problem and purpose of the article. Currently, the implementation of the infrastructure modernization program in modern schools and the construction of new school buildings1 is actively underway, where the design takes into consideration the quality criteria of the physical space of the educational environment2. Methods are used to involve all participants of the educational process in the joint modeling of the design concept of the educational environment, which, in turn, creates conditions for changing outdated norms and rules in the educational system [Levan, Yakshina, 2020]. Training is organized under the program “Personality potential development”, where attention is also paid to the subject-spatial component of the educational environment3. However, in our opinion, insufficient attention is paid to understanding of psychological and pedagogical features of the subject-spatial component of the educational environment, which can contribute to achieving the planned learning outcomes4, including the development of the subjective activity of a modern teenager. The system of principles of ecological and pedagogical design is based on the theory of possibilities [Gibson, 1988], according to which the possibility contains two interrelated aspects – stimuli coming from the environment and the activity of the individual itself directed “towards” these stimuli [Yasvin, 2020]. This confirms the relevance of our research: to understand with the help of which psychological and pedagogical features of the space and object component of the educational environment we can stimulate the development of students’ activity. In the previous publications [Parfenova, Safonova, 2021, 2022], we have already considered individual components of activity, but they manifest themselves in an interconnected way in the development of a personality, and one of the stages of our research was a correlation analysis to establish relationships between the components of activity and their indicators. This article presents the most significant interrelations of activity and other psychological characteristics of modern adolescents. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were the following approaches: activity-based (V.V. Davydov, M.M. Makhmutov, etc.); personality-activity-based (V.P. Zinchenko, V.A. Slastenin), systemic (B.F. Lomov, V.A. Hansen), environmental (J. Gibson), integrative approach (A.A. Volochkov), as well as the theory of personality activity (S.L. Rubinstein, L.S. Vygotsky, B.F. Lomov, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya), research in the field of environmental psychology (M. Chernoushek, K. Levin, V.A. Yasvin), concept of psychological safety of an educational environment (I.A. Bayeva). The study involved 149 students of 6th-8th grades from Secondary School No. 157 in Krasnoyarsk, 84 girls and 65 boys (6th grade – 29 girls, 20 boys; 7th grade – 22 girls, 25 boys; 8th grade – 33 girls, 20 boys). Specific psychodiagnostic research methods were used: the questionnaire “Well-being. Activity. Mood” by V.A. Doskina, N.A. Lavrentieva, V.B. Sharaya and M.P. Miroshnikova; methods of studying the locus of control by J. Rotter; test questionnaire “Motivation of success and motivation of fear of failure” by A.A. Rean; the methodology of “Action control scale” by Yu. Kul; the questionnaire “Assessment of the level of claims” by V.K. Gerbachevsky; the methodology for diagnosing the components of socially-oriented activity by R.M. Shamionov; the methodology for diagnosing the components of subjective adaptability “Readiness for action and evaluation of the implementation of action” by L.M. Kolpakova. Spearman’s correlation analysis was used as a statistical method. The calculation was carried out using the statistical package SPSS 17.0. Research results. Correlation analysis showed that it is important for the sixth graders to fit themselves into society, find a balance between their desires and external requirements, and achieve acceptance from others. The seventh graders get more correlations between activity and a focus on success and between activity and an assessment of their potential. It is important for them to decide which activity to engage in to save their self-image. For the eighth graders to be active, it is important to have formed self-confidence, since there comes a period of making the first independent choice, which has clear consequences in the future when choosing a field of professional interests. Conclusion. The obtained data will form the basis of a model of psychological and pedagogical features of the object-and-space component of the educational environment, which contributes to the development of students’ activity.

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