
The paper presents specification of the concept "associative thinking", the peculiarities of forming conductor gestures and the content of training students at choral conducting classes. The effective methods for future Music teachers’ associative thinking in the conductor’s and choral training have been identified, namely the method of associative verbal succession, vocal and choral analysis of music scores on the basis of associative approach, visual message method. The primary function of the association method is to awaken student’s imagination, arouse his/her emotional response, develop better understanding of the music content. Associations activate creative thinking, emotions, creative attitude to playing music. That is why, the development of associative thinking plays an important part in training future teachers of Music, as long as associative thinking is one of the elements of cognitive activity; it is a link between different pieces of knowledge; based on analysis, synthesis, sense perception and contributes to the fact that the new material is included into one’s own experience. Mastering the skills of associative thinking is the basis for students’ professional competence. Associative thinking of future Music teachers is the basis for creativity and is characterised by integrated and analytical perception of music pieces and their performing in one’s musical and pedagogical work. With regard to our research, associative thinking of future Music teacher is considered as a process of understanding artistic images in a certain piece of music and personality’s ability to convey it by means of conductor’s gestures in the performance.


  • В статье уточнена сущность понятия "ассоциативное мышление", раскрыты особенности формирования дирижерского жеста и содержание подготовки студентов в классе хорового дирижирования, определены методы эффективного формирования ассоциативного мышления будущего учителя музыки в процессе дирижерско-хоровой подготовки

  • The development of associative thinking plays an important part in training future teachers of Music, as long as associative thinking is one of the elements of cognitive activity; it is a link between different pieces of knowledge; based on analysis, synthesis, sense perception and contributes to the fact that the new material is included into one’s own experience

  • Associative thinking of future Music teachers is the basis for creativity and is characterised by integrated and analytical perception of music pieces and their performing in one’s musical and pedagogical work

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В статье уточнена сущность понятия "ассоциативное мышление", раскрыты особенности формирования дирижерского жеста и содержание подготовки студентов в классе хорового дирижирования, определены методы эффективного формирования ассоциативного мышления будущего учителя музыки в процессе дирижерско-хоровой подготовки. ФОРМУВАННЯ АСОЦІАТИВНОГО МИСЛЕННЯ МАЙБУТНІХ УЧИТЕЛІВ МУЗИКИ В ПРОЦЕСІ ДИРИГЕНТСЬКО-ХОРОВОЇ ПІДГОТОВКИ У статті уточнено сутність поняття "асоціативне мислення", розкрито особливості формування диригентського жесту та зміст підготовки студентів у класі хорового диригування, визначено методи ефективного формування асоціативного мислення майбутнього вчителя музики в процесі диригентськохорової підготовки.

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