
Motor fuel is an important component of both energy and national security of any country in the world, as it provides civilian transport and military equipment with the necessary energy resource. After the invasion of the armed forces of the russian federation on the territory of Ukraine and the destruction resulted from shelling of a number of oil and gas processing plants in the country, a difficult situation has developed that requires either an urgent restoration or creation of a new production of motor fuel on the country’s own raw material base. The aim of the study is to determine the current status of the raw-materials potential for the production of motor fuel in Ukraine and its regions. To achieve this goal the authors have: considered the combustible minerals of the country; analyzed the distribution of reserves and production of natural gas, oil, coal, and peat; examined the structure of distribution of their balance extractive reserves by regions of Ukraine, and the dynamics of production; computed the total energy potential of combustible minerals of Ukraine; identified sources of renewable resources that can be used for energy production; determined that the first-generation liquid biofuels include bioethanol and biodiesel; calculated the current technical potential of bioethanol production from corn and rapeseed by regions of Ukraine; identified the leading regions in terms of the potential for the production of liquid biofuels in Ukraine; formed the structure of energy potential by types of combustible minerals and biofuels in the country; determined the total energy potential of combustible minerals of Ukraine and formed the structure of the total energy potential of combustible minerals and biofuels in the regions of the country

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