
Importance. Exfoliative cheilitis is an inflammatory disease accompanied by damage to the red border of the lips. With dry exfoliative cheilitis, scales form on the lips, which are densely soldered to the underlying tissue in the center, and along the periphery, on the contrary, are raised. At the same time, patients indicate a feeling of dryness, burning. When the exudative form of cheilitis is observed puffiness, sore lips. Diagnosis of exfoliative cheilitis is reduced to the collection of complaints, the preparation of anamnesis of the disease, physical examination. For the treatment of exfoliative cheilitis, Bucca rays, moisturizing creams, acupuncture techniques, as well as agents that increase body resistance are used. As it turned out, in practice, all existing methods of treatment are ineffective, and the disease is manifested by frequent relapses. Pathology is more common in women. The dry form of the disease is mainly detected at the age of 16-40 years. Exudative cheilitis is diagnosed in patients aged 16-65 years.
 Objectives ― evaluate the effectiveness of lip balm based on lamb fat, and make a conclusion based on the clinical data and patient's subjective sensations.
 Methods. Twenty patients aged from 18 to 45 years with a diagnosis of exfoliative cheilitis were selected for work. All patients were divided into two groups: control (10 people) and main (10 people). Local therapy in both groups began according to the generally accepted scheme: sanation of the oral cavity, treatment of periodontal diseases according to indications, selective grinding off of the sharp edges of the teeth. In the main group, patients received treatment in the form of an application with a cool furatsilina solution, and applying the dosage form in the form of lip balm., Consisting of red-hot lamb fat and filtered through gauze, lanolin, pumpkin oil, ylang ylang oil, geranium oil, and also vitamins oil A and E and medical paraffin, this dosage form was prepared in paraffin and sterilized, after complete cooling it was applied to the lips with a spatula, and the patients easily used it at home as a balm for K in the morning and evening. Patients of the control group received the traditional treatment of cheilitis, anestezin applications, lip treatment with an antiseptic solution and keratoplasty applications - vitamin A and E oil. The results of the treatment were evaluated according to the clinical examination of patients, as well as taking into account the subjective feelings of the patients.
 Results. Based on the schemes of complex treatment of exfoliative cheilitis in patients of the main group, a positive result was obtained after the 3rd visit. A decrease in pain syndrome, a decrease in lesion elements (flakes), epithelization of cracks, a decrease in pain syndrome, a decrease in complaints of dryness of the red border of the lips were revealed.
 Conclusions. The development of this algorithm for treating ecfoliative cheilitis, including a mutton fat lip balm, has reduced the treatment time for this pathology.


  • an inflammatory disease accompanied by damage to the red border

  • which are densely soldered to the underlying tissue in the center

  • patients indicate a feeling of dryness

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Заболевания губ представляют собой серьезную проблему не только для стоматологии и дерматологии, но и для других направлений медицины. Местные факторы: неблагоприятные условия в полости рта, вредные привычки (облизывания, закусывание губ, держание во рту инородных предметов), хронические травмы зубов, а также неблагоприятные метеорологические воздействия (мороз, ветер, повышенная инсоляция), которые приводят к сухости красной каймы и иным патологическим проявлениям [11―14]. Для практического здравоохранения необходимо разработать лечебно-профилактические мероприятия, а также совершенствовать патогенетически обоснованные методики лечения заболеваний губ [15―17]. Используемые методы лечения эксфолиативного хейлита нельзя признать удовлетворительными, так как они длительны, зачастую безуспешны и не гарантируют от рецидивов [18―20].

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