
The article examines the legal foundations of the organizational and management doctrine of the implementation of infrastructure projects, in the concept of state policy for the development of rural territorial communities. The theoretical-categorical apparatus of the studied relations is characterized and the author's definition of the category "infrastructure project" is given as a task formed to meet the needs of the whole society or part of it, and the means of implementing such a task are determined using specific forms, methods and processes that ensure the achievement of the desired economic, technical , technological or organizational result, as well as contribute to the normal functioning, reproduction and development of the economic, social, ecological and other spheres of life of the entire state or a separate territorial community. Attention is drawn to a number of general legislative and normative legal acts that regulate the basic principles of entrepreneurial activity and cooperation between state authorities, local self-government and private partners are defined. A more detailed analysis of the Regulations on the State Agency for Infrastructure Projects of Ukraine and the laws of Ukraine "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine" and "On Public-Private Partnership" that regulate the legal relations of the implementation of infrastructure projects, as well as the powers of the state and local self-government bodies of territorial communities in such a process was carried out , subjects of private entrepreneurial initiative, in particular agricultural producers. A generalization was made regarding the ways to solve the problems of implementing infrastructure projects for rural territorial communities by ensuring coordination and taking into account the mutual interests of the state, business structures and citizens in the implementation of joint innovation and investment projects, targeted industry programs, etc. It is suggested that, for the successful implementation of infrastructure projects of the post-war reconstruction of our country, the current legislation should be improved and a separate law should be developed, which would directly regulate the implementation of infrastructure projects in rural regions.

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