
All major manufacturers go to a decrease in the dimensions of modern microelectronic devices.This leads to the transition to new standards for designing and manufacturing SBSS.The well-known automated design algorithms are not fully able to implement new requirementswhen designing a SBI. In this regard, when solving the tasks of design design, there is a need todevelop new methods for solving this class task. One of these techniques can be a hybrid multidimensionalsearch system based on a genetic algorithm (GA). An automated approach to the designof the SB based on a genetic algorithm is described, which makes it possible to create an algorithmicmedium in the field of multidimensional genetic search to solve the NP full tasks, in particularthe placement of the VSA elements. The purpose of this work is to find ways to place the elementsof the SBI based on the genetic algorithm. The scientific novelty is to develop a modifiedmultidimensional genetic algorithm for automated design of super-high integrated circuits. Theformulation of the problem in this paper is as follows: optimize the placement of the ELEMENTSof the SBI by using, multidimensional modified hectares. The practical value of the work is to createa subsystem that allows you to use the developed multidimensional architecture, methods andalgorithms to effectively solve the tasks of the design design of the SDI, as well as conduct a comparativeanalysis with existing analogues. The fundamental difference from the well-known approachesin the application of new multidimensional genetic structures in the automated design ofthe SBI, in addition, the modified genetic algorithm was righteous. The results of the computationalexperiment showed the advantages of a multidimensional approach to solving the tasks of placingthe Elements of the SBI compared to existing analogues. Thus, the problem of creating methods,algorithms and software for the automated placement of the SBS elements is currently of particularrelevance. Its solution will improve the qualitative characteristics of the designable devices,will reduce the timing and costs of design.

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