
The search for constructive solutions to reduce the influence of inertial forces on the process of curved movement of a machine-tractor unit during curved movement is an urgent problem associated not only with reducing dynamic loads on the tractor and equipment aggregated with it, but with maintaining the stability of movement. A circular loop-free turn was chosen as the object of research. An experimental hinged system is designed to solve the tasks set in the work. It differs from the basic one in that between the hinged frame of the Belarus-1221.2 tractor and the hinged frame of the STV-12 seeder, an elastic element made of polyurethane is installed, which has the most suitable physical and mechanical properties. Nonlinear approximation of the array of abscissas and ordinates of the turn entry trajectory curve, calculated using the parametric form of equations for a circle of constant radius of the steady turn section, made it possible to describe the two considered stages of the theoretical turn trajectory by explicit non-linear functions. Analysis of arrays of theoretical and experimental values of the coordinates of the curves of the trajectories gave a constant value of the shift coefficient of the theoretical trajectory for the studied operating conditions of the unit 1.12, multiplying by which the explicit theoretical function obtained a parametric function of the actual trajectory of rotation. The comparison of trajectories showed the expediency of using elastic elements at the points of articulation of the tractor with the equipment, the use of polyurethane leads to the preservation of the trajectory, since the deviation of the actual trajectory from the theoretical one with the basic configuration in the height of the turning strip is 1.6... 2.25 m, and with the experimental one – 0.6 ... 1.13 m, the length of the theoretical curves is 8.21...10.82 m, and valid: with a base hitch of 11,223...12,792 m, with an experimental one – 9,652 ...11,854 m. A comparison of the results of theoretical studies with experimental data showed that their greatest difference does not exceed 4%, which allows us to conclude that they are correct.

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