
초록·키워드 목차 오류제보하기 This study was conducted to provide basic data on how to respond to regulations on vehicle driving at Taekwondo-jang through perception analysis of children"s school vehicles. To achieve the goal of the study, big data analysis was conducted using Textom. Under the keyword “Regulation of commuting vehicles,” data was collected from the website environment from March 2013 to March 2021, and purified and processed in batches. We apply text mining analysis and Ucinet6 to graph these collected information by forming a common cluster with words through CONCOR analysis, resulting in the following results. First of all, text mining analysis showed that school vehicles, children, vehicles, support, conversion, daycare centers, fine dust, school buses, LPG vehicles, and operation, followed by TF-IDF analysis by children, school vehicles, support, vehicles, daycare centers, conversion, fine dust, LPG vehicles, school buses. Next, four divisions were analyzed through CONCOR analysis, each named Safe Driving, Vehicle Environment, Vehicle Purchase, and Child Protection. #Taekwondo-jang #Children"s commuting vehicles #Safe Driving #Vehicle Environment #Vehicle Purchase #Child Protection AbstractⅠ. 서론Ⅱ. 연구방법Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰Ⅳ. 논의Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언참고문헌

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