
The article is devoted to the study of the relationship between post-traumatic growth and the vitality of the individual in the context of the organization of volunteer activities according to the current ecological situation. The purpose of the article is the justification of post-traumatic growth in the context of the organization of volunteer activities as an environmental problem of personality formation in modern conditions. During the research, the following psychodiagnostic methods were used: the ‘Alexithymia Level Diagnosis (Toronto Aleximism Scale (TAS))’ method, ‘The Changes in Outlook Questionnaire’ (CiOQ) and ‘The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory’ (PTGI, Questionnaire of post-traumatic growth), which is applied in the context of the author's ideas about post-traumatic growth.The theoretical approaches to the peculiarities of the post-traumatic growth of volunteers in the context of the formation of their positive experience and preservation of health in the conditions of war are substantiated. It has been established that the preservation of psychosomatic health depends on personal, psychological, physiological and social indicators of vitality. Post-traumatic positive experience in the context of the formation of the volunteer's environmentalism testifies to the quality of interpersonal relations, the growth of sensitivity and closeness to the personal environment. Post-traumatic stress disorders in volunteers affect the personal sphere of relationships and cause destructive disorders in the sphere of communicative relations. There are differences between volunteer students of various specializations and psychology students in the field of sustainability indicators, but they are not significant enough in the organization of volunteer activities.

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