
Results of a study in the sphere of standardization of technical requirements to substances to be used for water disinfection have been presented. Th e work has been carried out with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl),one of the most widely used in water treatment substances, as an example. Comparison of technical requirements set for the current type of NaOCl by the acting standard of 1976 GOST 11086-76 “Sodium hypochlorite. Engineering specifi cations” with the corresponding European standard of 2013 EN 901:2013 has been made. It has been demonstrated that the most essential diff erences in the requirements to the substance concerns its composition, particularly in part of limitations for high-toxic elements content. Th e necessity of these limitations that are not included in GOST 11086-76 is caused by the fact that these elements can be included into the NaOCl composition and create inadmissible risks at the stage of its application, for instance, in the process of drinking water disinfection. Th e conclusion has been made that the said standard should be expanded with inclusion of the list of elements of NaOCl to be controlled. Th ey should be limited by the suffi cient safety level while thorough analysis of the output product composition is to be secured. Th us, Engineering Committee on Standardization-409 in the sphere of environmental protection has decided on revision of technical requirements set be GOST 11086-76. At that, it is assumed that the warranty of these requirements fulfi llment is the industry’s rejection of NaOCl synthesis methods by chlorination of sodium hydroxide water solutions and transition to up-to-date electro/chemical methods with the best available techniques use. Th e supposed change of the NaOCl composition should provide its competitiveness not only at the Russian but also at the world market but this would require amendments of GOST11086-76. Th e necessary changes in the standard comprise the obsolete requirements to package, marking, transporting, and storage of the product. It is supposed to this purpose to amend the new standard with rules used by the International System of Hazard Classifi cation and Chemical Production Marking, as well as with transporting regulations acting at the international level.

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