
Relevance. One of the basic approaches for civil law is to allow the injured party to claim full compensation for the harm caused and the losses incurred. The widespread use of this approach is based on universal ideas about the reasonableness and fairness of full compensation to the injured party for the diminution of its property sphere at the expense of the offender or other harm-doer. Compensation of damages, directly related to the implementation of the principle of compensation for harm, plays a crucial role among all the means of protection of subjective civil rights specified in the list given in article 12 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical provisions defining the specifics of implementation of the principle of full compensation for damages at the current stage of development of market economy and social relations in the Russian Federation. Objectives: to identify the problems associated with the implementation of the principle of full compensation for harm in the civil law of the Russian Federation; ; to determine the features of the balance of interests in the recovery of compensation and other cases of compensation for harm caused; to determine the directions of further development of legal regulation of the issues under consideration. Methodology. When writing the work, dialectical-materialistic method, systematic method, methods of analysis and synthesis, formal-legal method were used. The results of the research are of a theoretical and applied nature and are aimed at improving the quality of legal regulation of civil legal relations. The conclusions made in the article are of debatable character, are aimed at continuing of researches in the framework of the stated theme, are aimed at development of the main principles that allow to solve in a unified way the problems connected with realization of the rights to full compensation of damage to the injured party at the expense of its causer. The article is a continuation of scientific studies of the author on issues related to the problems of civil liability.

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