
The purpose of the study is to consider the features of litigation affecting the division of jointly acquired property. Research objectives: to study the development of the institution of property rights of spouses, to con-sider the types of legal regimes of property of spouses, to identify the main features when considering family disputes over the division of jointly acquired property. I used general scientific methods (dialectical, logical, sys-tematic), private scientific methods (historical, statistical, sociological), as well as special legal (comparative le-gal, formal legal). The problems of the emergence and consolidation of the institution of the legal regime of property relations of spouses in family law are considered. It is concluded that in Russia the legal regime of the legal property of spouses is mainly applied. This is due to historical continuity and the recent emergence of a market economy. Legal mechanisms for protecting spouses (former spouses) in the framework of disputes with creditors of the debtor spouse are noted. The main problematic points related to the determination of the composition of jointly acquired property have been studied. Attention is drawn to the fact that a spouse (ex-spouse) can apply to the court with a request to invalidate a transaction for the sale of jointly acquired property without his consent. The main evidence on disputes related to the division of property is indicated, with the determination of the particular importance of forensic examination. The question of alternative ways of resolving the conflict is touched upon. A method is proposed to reduce the risks of the parties when concluding a settlement agreement on the division of jointly acquired property.

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