
Abstract. The new transdisciplinary science of geonics (geomimetics) is the theoretical basis for designing construction composites from fragments of destroyed buildings and structures. Technogenic and natural anomalies, military conflicts on planet Earth lead to destruction of cities. Utilization of fragments of destroyed buildings and structures for the production of building materials is relevant.
 The classification and scheme of using fragments of destroyed buildings and structures to obtain crushed stone, sand, solutions and concretes based on them is proposed. The densest packaging is calculated using the method of selecting high-density filler packaging developed at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. The results are tested on the raw materials of destroyed buildings and structures in Iraq, which consist mainly of reinforced concrete, ceramic bricks and limestone blocks. The presence of binder particles that are not fully hydrated in the concrete scrap, which are subsequently hydrated and participate in the curing of the composite with the formation of an additional number of crystalline neoplasms, and also accelerates the hardening of cement stone and increases the final strength of the material. Subsequently, in the previously created structure, as a result of continuing hydration, a new type of system parts is formed, organized in a certain way, due to the crystallization growth of pico -, nano - and micro-sized high-base calcium hydrosilicates, depending on the degree of hydration of concrete scrap. The following crystallization of previously formed phases leads to self-sealing of different parts of the system and their further self-organization, which ensures high final strength and water resistance of the material. This hydration mechanism gives a concrete structure with minimal internal stresses and volume deformations. The article discusses the methodology for the selection of high-density packing of aggregate from concrete scrap in the destroyed building and construction of Iraq. It is shown that the strength of the obtained samples with compacted aggregate is 31.3 % higher than that of samples prepared in the traditional way.


  • The densest packaging is calculated using the method of selecting high-density filler packaging developed at BSTU named after V.G

  • The results are tested on the raw materials of destroyed buildings and structures in Iraq, which consist mainly of reinforced concrete, ceramic bricks and limestone blocks

  • It is shown that the strength of the obtained samples with compacted aggregate is 31,3 % higher than that of samples prepared in the traditional way

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Плотность упаковки Модуль крупности

Большая часть заполнителя обычно принимают за 100 масс. частей (1; 10; 100; 1000 кг), тогда массовую часть каждой последующей реакции рассчитывают по формуле: Gn Где σn-1 – плотность упаковки зерен в смеси, состоящей из (n-1) фракций, так при n=2, σ1= η1; ηn. – плотность упаковки частиц в каждой очередной фракции; βn=1 – для умеренно подвижных зернистых смесей; βn=( σn-1/ηn)1/n-1, где m=1,2,3 для умеренно жестких смесей; βn=σn-1/ηn – для подвижных полидисперсных смесей. При расчете количества каждой фракции для получения плотнейшей упаковки смеси используется любое произвольное значение G1 объемной части, например, 1 кг, 10 кг, 100 кг или 100 Вт. Плотность упаковки зерен в смеси, состоящей из первых двух фракции, где 1 1 , будет равна: При β2 = 1 и 2 =(1- 2 );. Плотность упаковке зерен в смеси, состоящей из первых трех фракций, будет равна:. При ведении седьмой фракции в смесь, состоящей из шести фракций, число бимодальных связей в ней будет: n (n-1) / 2 = 7(7-1)/2=21; Х7. 5...2,5 2,5...1,25 1,25...0,63 0,63...0,315 0,315...0,16 0,16...0,04 Пылевидный отсев

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