
When making decisions about putting unused agricultural lands into turnover, it is advisable to estimate their potential productivity under the current climatic conditions. The analysis of energy expenditures of the main components of the natural process of soil formation (radiation balance, PAR, moistening coefficient) for Moscow region of CFD by weather stations of Dmitrov, Kolomna, Staritsa was carried out. The mechanism of influence of ameliorative measures on the components of radiation balance is described and the dependencies allowing for calculation of energy accumulated in the annual growth of vegetation mass and energy consumption for soil-forming process corresponding to the calculated energy amount are given. The calculations of theoretically possible crop yields at introduction into agricultural production of unused lands with different values of PAR during the vegetation period are presented. The assessment of climatically secured crop capacity of three researched plots was carried out by the example of 2021 and comparison with actually obtained capacity in the farms, where the researched plots are located, which are planned to be put into agricultural turnover. The purpose of the study is to assess the role of reclamation in increasing the productivity of unused lands when making decisions on their return to agricultural circulation based on the results of an assessment of their current state using the example of the Moscow Region.

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