
Many areas of human activity, in particular, agriculture and the timber industry, use technological machines and
 equipment having in their arsenal a hydraulic system for supplying pressure to the used units for soil cultivation,
 sowing, cutting, rooting out and many others. The article discusses the use of an energy-saving hydraulic drive. It
 provides experimental data on its use in a forest fire soil-throwing machine. The experiment was carried out using the
 LHT-55 forestry tractor, on the rear hitch of which a laboratory sample of a fire-fighting soil-throwing machine with a
 rotor-thrower drive from a hydraulic motor has been mounted. An adjustable hydraulic pump is installed on the rear
 frame of LHT-55 tractor, on which there is a regulator of the volume of supplied fluid. In the course of experimental
 studies we used the methods, specified in State Standard 20915–2011, Industrial Standard 70.2.16–73. During the
 experiments, the main indicators of the efficiency of forest fire-fighting soil-throwing machine have been determined:
 the maximum surge in the pressure of the working fluid in the hydraulic drive for the duty cycle Pm; the energy stored
 by the pneumohydraulic accumulator in one working cycle Pm (operation of the safety valve); the maximum energy that
 a pneumohydraulic accumulator with these parameters is able to accumulate per line kilometer or per shift Eav;, average
 range of the soil throwing Lav and the thickness of the soil layer depending on the distance of throw T. A large number
 of selected determining factors made it possible to depict graphically obtained data and conduct a visual analysis to
 obtain the most effective operating modes of a forest fire soil-throwing machine with an energy-saving hydraulic drive.
 The paper presents the rationale for the new design of a forest fire soil-throwing machine with an energy-saving
 hydraulic drive. The dependences of the efficiency indicators of working flows on the design and technological
 parameters of a forest fire soil-throwing machine have been obtained.

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