
This paper presents the design and implementation of the educational remote controlled robot system including remote sensing in the embedded environment. The design of sensing information processing, software design and template design mechanism for the programming practice are introduced. LPC1769 ∙제1저자 : 정중수 ∙교신저자 : 정광욱 ∙투고일 : 2015. 2. 13, 심사일 : 2015. 3. 18, 게재확정일 : 2015. 4. 21. * 국립안동대학교 공과대학 정보통신공학과 교수(Dept. of Information & Communication Engineering, Andong National University) ** 구미1대학 정보통신공학과 교수/(주)맨엔텔 대표이사(Dept. of Information & Communication Engineering, Kumi University / CEO of Co, Ltd) ※ “이 논문은 2013년도 안동대학교 특별연구비에 의하여 연구되었음” 34 Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information April 2015 using Cortex-M3 core as CPU, LPCXPRESSO as debugging environment, C language as firmware development language and FreeRTOS as OS are used in development environment. The control command is received via RF communication by the server and the robot system which is operated by driving the various sensors. The educational procedure is from robot demo operation program as hands-on practice and then compiling, loading of the basic robot operation program, already supplied. Thereafter the verification is checked by using the basic robot operation to allow demo operation such as hands-on-training procedure. The original protocol is designed via RF communication between server and robot system, and the satisfied performance result is presented by analyzing the robot sensing data processing. ▸

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