
The demographic factor is an important prerequisite for the economic, intellectual, political development of any country. Supplying of effective state social support of the population covers the questions of material support of families with children and granting of separate types of social leaves in view of gender equality. The task of this article is analysis of questions of observance of gender equality in realization of right to separate types of social Holidays. In time works above article will be used general scientific and special methods of jurisprudence: formally-legal and relatively-legal. Progressive development of the society is caused by many factors, one of which is realization of the potential of his each member, development of his intellectual and physical opportunities. Equality of people is uniformity of their social opportunities not only in use of one’s rights, and in execution of social obligations. The state should guarantee gender equality and in family legal relations. Employers are to supply to the women and men opportunity to overlay a labor activity with family obligations. We offer in the laws of Ukraine «On Holidays», «Of state aid to the families with children», «About obligatory state social security» as well as to bring into accord bylaw legal acts, by the way of replacement of the term «woman to on person». Respective alterations are justified, their implementation will allow to provide the principle of gender equality in realization of right of persons to separate kinds of social leaves, as well as will help to expand the circle of persons which will have the right to receipt of state aid to the families with children.Such position coincides with State social program of supplying of equal rights and opportunities of women and men during till 2021 and the Strategy of gender equality of the Council of Europe for 2018-2023. Key words: gender equality, social support of the population, social Holidays, State assistance to families with children.

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