
Marketing during the adaptation period is a complex system of measures that allows you to direct the activities of the enterprise to meet public needs (problems) and consumer needs and, thanks to this, to obtain planned profits, maintain the stability of the enterprise, and increase the efficiency of its operation for the sake of the economic development of the state. The article substantiates the organizational and economic mechanism of implementing the principles of marketing at the enterprise during the adaptation period, which consists of subsystems: functional, supply and special. Each subsystem includes its key elements for the development of the enterprise. The functional subsystem includes: a strategy for the introduction of new goods and services according to the needs (problems) of society, a comprehensive assessment of the consequences of the enterprise's activities during the period of martial law, a forecast of the results of the enterprise's activities in the adaptation and post-adaptation periods, planning of economic indicators according to the strategy for the introduction of new goods (services), motivational mechanisms for introducing new types of products, products, and services. Support subsystems include: informational, regulatory, resource, financial, organizational and digital, personnel support. This subsystem should be formed on the basis of widespread digitalization. A group of special subsystems complements the functional, strengthening or inhibiting individual management processes, the situation that was formed as a result of the sale of new products or the provision of services during the adaptation period. The implementation of the organizational and economic mechanism uses universal and adaptive approaches to the definition of marketing functions, the market is an adaptive tool for the development of the enterprise and the economy of the country, and it is an essential tool, because on the market there are buying and selling relations, which are the basis for the functioning of any systems: marketing research, development of adaptive marketing strategies, analysis of production and sales capabilities of the enterprise, market segmentation, product policy, price policy, distribution policy, communication policy, analysis and control of marketing activities.

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