
Research objectives: This article is about the study of the Tatar archaeographer G. Rakhim which was dedicated to “Jami‘ al-tawarikh” by Kadyr Ali-bek, and which was published as a separate chapter in the third part of the “History of Tatar Literature”. This work, published in 1922–1923 in Kazan in the Tatar Arabic script, for various reasons was out of the field of view of researchers and until recently inaccessible to a wide range of scientists. Research materials: The scientific work of G. Rakhim, an example of one of the first studies of the Modern period written in the traditions of European historiography, is distinguished by an original approach and depth of study to the undertaken subject. In this text, G. Rakhim analyzes the “Jami al-tawarikh” of Kadyr Ali-bek and makes a number of important conclusions. In general, G. Rakhim’s work has independent significance as an important source for Tatar historiography. Results and novelty of the research: This publication provides a brief overview of G. Rakhim’s research, and also introduces the text of the work itself into scientific circulation for the first time via its translation into Russian.

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