
Objective of the investigation was to model the adverse action of vaccinia virus (VV), caused by oral immunization of mice and to evaluate efficacy of its reduction, using therapeutic and prophylactic drugs. Materials and methods. Virological and immunological research methods were used. Results and conclusions. Reproduced was pathological action of VV in the orally infected mice. The ability to reduce the side effect and protect mice from lethal infection was demonstrated by such preparations as Metisazon, Likopid, and NIOCH-14 orally administered in the investigated schemes. Moreover preliminary single oral immunization with TEOVak smallpox vaccine before oral infection with Neurovaccine-92 strain of VV also lowered pathogenic effect and protected mice against death. All the investigated schemes of drug administration did not affect the immune response if used alongside with TEOVak smallpox vaccine and can be deployed to develop safe schemes of primary oral vaccination against smallpox. In addition, such drugs as Ribomunil, Immudon, Ingavirin can be used as means to enhance the immune response to smallpox vaccines.


  • Objective of the investigation was to model the adverse action of vaccinia virus (VV), caused by oral immunization of mice and to evaluate efficacy of its reduction, using therapeutic and prophylactic drugs

  • All the investigated schemes of drug administration did not affect the immune response if used alongside with TEOVak smallpox vaccine and can be deployed to develop safe schemes of primary oral vaccination against smallpox. Such drugs as Ribomunil, Immudon, Ingavirin can be used as means to enhance the immune response to smallpox vaccines

  • CD8 T cells are essential for recovery from a respiratory vaccinia virus infection

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Материалы и методы

В работе использовали штамм Нейровакцина-92 ВВ, Биологическая активность образцов ВВ составила (8,0 ± 0,2) lg бляшкообразующих единиц (БОЕ)/мл. Изучали следующие дозы и схемы применения лекарственных средств: арбидол, доза 10 мг/кг, амиксин, доза 125 мг/кг, реаферонЕС-липинт, доза 4000 МЕ, метисазон, доза 60 мг/кг вводили за сутки до заражения (д.з.) далее в день заражения и каждые 24 ч в течение 8 сут после инфицирования (п.з.); рибомунил, доза 12 мг/кг, имудон, доза 0,36 мг/кг, иммунал, доза 4 мг/кг, ликопид, доза 400 мг/кг вводили за сутки д.з., в день заражения и каждые 24 ч в течение 5 сут п.з.; соединение НИОХ14, доза 50 мкг/г, вводили в день инфицирования и через 1, 2 сут п.з.; ТЭОВак вводили в дозе 6,0 lg БОЕ за 2 сут д.з. Значимость защитного действия схем препаратов оценивали точным тестом Фишера так же, как и значимость сероконверсии в группах животных, получавших препараты. Значимость отличий подтверждали на 95 % уровне надежности [3]

Результаты и обсуждение
Имудон Реаферон Амиксин Спарфлоксацин Иммунал Арбидол
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