
Paremic units as a means of intertextuality in the dramatic text of Bukovynian writers of the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries (Yu. Fedkovych, S. Vorobkevych, S. Yarychevsky) are analyzed in the article. Functional groups of paremias as a kind of communicative code of Bukovynians are singled out. The peculiarities of the use of set folk expressions in the dramatic works of Bukovynian writers in the corresponding communicative situation are examined. The system-forming category of a dramatic text is intertextuality – a versatile connection of the text with other texts in terms of content, genre and stylistic features, structure, formal and symbolic expression. The most realized intersemiotic relations in dramaturgy are the relations between verbal texts and texts that represent other semiotic systems. Within the theatrical performance there is a complementarity of verbal and musical within the song, painting and words, cinematic adaptation of the literary text, in particular, the transmission through visual images of verbal significance. In the DT of Bukovynian writers we pay special attention to paremias as a means of intertextuality. Paremia is the history of the Ukrainian people that is contained in concise but wise expressions. Paremias fully reflect all stages of the development of the nation's consciousness and historical events in the society. This is an example of the linguistic perfection of mankind. Paremias focus on the whole cognitive essence of man: history, experience, memory, imagination, worldview, sorrow and joy, suffering and happiness. Paremias are the highest manifestation of the folk spirit, the depths of folk philosophy, ethics and aesthetics in the dramatic works of Bukovynian writers. Drama (in comparison with other art forms) reproduces the vernacular, in which paremias are realized the most. In the works of Bukovynian playwrights we have focused on proverbs and sayings, distinguishing them into certain functional types of paremias that regulate relations between people in society; reveal popular ideas and observations on the development of society; characterize the nature of human speech; paremias, expressing peculiar moral and social precepts for person; paremia-assessment. On the other hand, paremic units recorded in the dramatic works of Bukovynian writers are a manifestation of the intertextuality of DT and certify the perception, understanding and knowledge of the human world. Paremias are the result of the collective speech activity of the people and they represent group and individual forms of human communicative behavior. They are kind of spiritual code of Bukovinians which regulates the life of each individual.

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