
The purpose of the article is to determine the forms of implementation of the principles of criminal law in the acts of criminal law. Methods. Methodological tools are selected in accordance with the purpose, specifics of the object and subject of the research. The general dialectical method of scientific knowledge of real legal phenomena is viewed as the main one among other methodological tools. Special research methods used in the study are: the method of systematic analysis, formal legal, interpretation of law, comparative law and modelling methods. The theoretical basis of the study is the latest scientific works in the chosen field of research. Results. As proved during the analysis of law enforcement acts, criminal law principles have their reflection and content in the acts of application and implementation of criminal law. Each individual act of application or implementation of criminal law takes into account the relevant set of principles that complement each other and provide law enforcement agencies with comprehensive tools to reflect in such acts of objectively existing social relations. Acts of implementation of the rules of criminal law are "manifestations" of the actual behaviour of the subjects of criminal law. Conclusions. According to the results of the study, each individual act of application or implementation of criminal law takes into account the relevant set of principles that complement each other and provide law enforcement agencies with comprehensive tools to reflect in such acts of objectively existing social relations. These are the acts of application of criminal law that embody the greatest number of principles of criminal law mainly due to the reflection of the latter in the documents drawn up by law enforcement agencies (indictments, petitions for coercive measures of medical or educational nature, convictions, rulings, etc.). Keywords: principles of criminal law; acts of implementation of criminal law; acts of application of criminal law.

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