
The article analyzes the image of a historical figure of the White Army agent Nosovich in A.N. Tolstoy’s novella Bread. Former General A.L. Nosovich in Soviet Russia in the spring and summer of 1918 held the post of chief of staff of the North Caucasus Military District, but at the same time was an agent of the White Army and carried out clandestine subversive work. His image in the novel was introduced as an antihero, who was opposed to the shrewd commissar Joseph Stalin. The attitude to Nosovich in the novel is negative. He is shown as a pragmatic and cruel cynic, for whom the aim justifies any means. Tolstoy did not fail to emphasize the connection between Nosovich and the leader of the Red Army Lev D. Trotsky ostracized in the USSR. When creating the character of Nosovich A.N. Tolstoy relied on genuine documents, including the report of Nosovich to the White Army command about his underground work. Tolstoy’s novel contributed to the strengthening of the personality cult of Stalin and the mythology of the history of the Russian Civil War in line with party attitudes. The image of the White Army agent General Nosovich served the same task.


  • The article analyzes the image of a historical figure of the White Army agent Nosovich in A.N

  • Nosovich in Soviet Russia in the spring and summer of 1918 held the post of chief of staff of the North Caucasus Military District, but at the same time was an agent of the White Army and carried out clandestine subversive work

  • His image in the novel was introduced as an antihero, who was opposed to the shrewd commissar Joseph Stalin

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Толстого «Хлеб (Оборона Царицына)» широкому кругу советских читателей в качестве антигероя оказался представлен реальный исторический деятель — белый агент в Красной армии генерал Анатолий Леонидович Носович. Появление повести «Хлеб» должно было поправить его репутацию после написания романа «Хождение по мукам»: «Лишь гораздо позже я понял, что в описание событий вкралась одна историческая ошибка. Толстого к работе по истории Гражданской войны проясняет переписка писателя А.М. Толстой был привлечен к сотрудничеству редакцией «Истории Гражданской войны в СССР», и перед ним открылись архивы, в том числе с документами белых.

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