
Dear Colleagues! In early 2017, the Directorate and the Academic Council of the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences (IO RAS) made a decision to revive the «Journal of Oceanological Research», which was published in the Institute from 1959 to 1993. As a rule, all issues of the Journal contained results of comprehensive studies of the World Ocean performed in international projects. The first issues of the Journal were devoted to the results of the International Geophysical Year of 1957 – 1958, in the early 1970s they were devoted to the «Polygon-70» experiment, then to the studies of the Western boundary currents in the Atlantic Ocean, and since 1979 – to the results of the Soviet-American experiment «POLIMODE». Unfortunately, in 1993, the last 44 th issue marked the end of the Journal’s publication. In your hands you have the new 45 th issue of the «Journal of Oceanological Research», which was born thanks to the efforts of the Editorial board and the Editorial staff. In a short time they managed to revive the Journal in its continuity, to obtain all the necessary permits for the publication of the Journal in an electronic and hard copy, to create a web-site of the Journal (http://www.jor.ocean.ru/), and also to collect engaging materials for publication in a new issue. In the Journal you will find the results of investigations of the thermohaline structure and vortex dynamics of waters in various regions of the World Ocean, modeling of the processes of distribution of suspended matter in coastal waters, modeling of oil spills, application of technical means to study the marine environment, the bottom and underwater objects, other physical and biological processes and phenomena in the ocean. In the same issue you will find the section “Personalities” about outstanding oceanographers who left a visible mark in science and worked with us for many years. Among them are L.M. Brekhovskikh and K.N. Fedorov; this year, Grigory Isaakovich Barenblatt has celebrated his 90 th anniversary, and Walter Munk (USA) – his 100 th anniversary! Surprisingly, the paths of these people repeatedly crossed in life, as evidenced by the photographs in the Journal. I wish the « Journal of Oceanological Research » success, impressive materials, publication activity of contributors, a reach “portfolio”, high citation, and international recognition. The Directorate of the Institute will support the development of the Journal, since we consider this to be one of the priority tasks in the Development Strategy of the IO RAS. Dr. A.V. Sokov Interim Director P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology

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