
In a modern, dynamic society, tourism is one of the main types of international economic activity, a complex and complex sphere that exerts a significant influence on the structure and overall situation in the world economy. The sphere of tourism has a stimulating effect on such sectors of the economy as transport, communications, trade, construction, agriculture, production of goods and services. That is why studies of current trends in tourism are relevant. Rapid development has acquired medical tourism - travel of the population abroad for the purpose of obtaining medical services. Although the phenomenon of medical tourism is not new. The integration of Ukraine in the field of medical tourism in the near future will occur mainly due to the departure of its citizens abroad. However, having significant opportunities to attract foreign patients and pursuing a rational policy in medicine, economics and tourism, Ukraine has a chance to become one of the main centers of medical tourism both at the regional and international levels. A well-known fact is the significant role of tourism in the modern world. In addition to recreational functions, this type of service creates conditions for inflow of financial resources (including foreign investments), promotes cultural exchange and provides job creation, while for some countries tourism is actually the only source of income. At the same time, as researchers point out, tourism is an important driving force for integration processes, ensuring interpenetration and exchange of financial and human resources. Although traditionally the main focus is tourism for recreation purposes, the situation has changed somewhat over the last 15 years. Rapid development has become medical tourism - the departure of the population abroad for the purpose of obtaining medical services.

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