
Cough is one of the most common symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections in childhood. In the treatment of acute respiratory infections accompanied by cough in children, the main task is to stop the cough by improving the rheological properties of bronchial secretions for their early withdrawal. Cough can be effectively treated only by improving the discharge of mucus from the respiratory tract. For this purpose, mucoactive drugs are used: secretolytics, capable of thinning mucus (mucolytic action), and secretomotor drugs, which improve its output (expectorant effect). Among the many mucoactive drugs in pediatrics, preference is given to herbal drugs, which have a milder expectorant effect compared to synthetic drugs, and are better tolerated. On the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market there is Gederin Ivy Syrup, a preparation with ivy extract. Among the complex of effects of the ivy leaf extract (expectorant, secretolytic, anti-inflammatory), the unique action that distinguishes it from other herbal and synthetic drugs is bronchospasmolytic one. Taking this into account, preparations with ivy extract can be recommended for respiratory infections accompanied by obstruction. These can be both acute and chronic conditions occurring with reversible narrowing of the airways. Due to its natural composition, the drug is safe. Side effects from Gederin Ivy syrup are very rare. In patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug some allergic reactions (mainly rash), as well as gastrointestinal disorders are possible. It should not be administered to patients suffering from fructose intolerance. Sorbitol, which is a component of the syrup, can cause a slight laxative effect. Thus, the combination of such effects of ivy extract in the preparation Gederin Ivy – expectorant (mucokinetic and secretolytic), bronchospasmolytic and anti-inflammatory – predetermines its expressive clinical efficacy in the treatment of cough, as well as good tolerance. And this allows it to be widely used in the complex therapy of bronchitis in pediatric practice. No conflict of interest was declared by the authors. Key words: Mucoactive phytopreparations, children, treatment, ivy extract, efficacy, safety.

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