
Purpose: Compare the results of blast furnace smelting efficiency, when chang-ing the qualitative characteristics of the sinter and coke, and the calculated param-eters of the blowing regime of melting. Methodology: Analysis of technical and economic performance of blast furnaces during periods of work on the agglomerate with different metallurgical characteris-tics and different diameter of the tuyeres. Findings: The experience of blast furnaces with a volume of 2,700 and 2,000 m3 confirmed a known fact of the dependence of furnace efficiency and coke consump-tion not only through the quality of charge materials, but also through the distribu-tion of the gas flow along the furnace section. Originality: The technological analysis of the results of the operation of blast furnaces with the volume of 2700 and 2000 m3 with a change of the quality of the sinter and pellets in combination with the change of the blowing regime parame-ters was performed. On the basis of the performed analysis, it was confirmed the expediency of increasing the gas permeability of the charge by improving the quali-ty of the raw materials while increasing the total mechanical energy of the com-bined gas-blast and hearth-gas, which are responsible for the length of the com-bustion zone and the depth of penetration of the gas flow to the center of the blast furnace. Practical value: Alternation of tuyeres of different diameters along with the im-provement of the quality characteristics of charge materials, additionally contrib-utes to the enhancement of the positive effect due to the expansion of the combus-tion zones in the furnace hearth. And if in this case the total mechanical energy of the mountain gas rises and the depth of penetration of the furnace gas to the fur-nace axis increases, the effect of using high-quality raw materials can be maxim-ized. Keywords: agglomerate, coke, blowing, tuyeres, gas permeability, quality, total energy.

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