
The article actualizes the problem of formation of social competence of future social workers in the conditions of their professional training. An overview of recent research and publications on the outlined problem is presented. The author of the scientific article formulated the main tasks of the experimental study, defined its purpose. It consisted of a pedagogical experiment to determine the state of formation of the studied construct, to establish the effectiveness of the model of formation of social competence in students, the impact of conditions and selected and tested tools, methods and forms of its formation. He noted that to test the hypothesis about the effectiveness of the system of formation of the above competence, students conducted a pedagogical experiment, which took place in three stages (aerobatic, ascertaining, and formative). The structure of social competence of future professionals is revealed through such components as motivational-value, cognitive-activity and personal-reflexive. The scientist outlines their content. The diagnostic tools for assessing the state of formation of the components of the social competence of students, the results of experimental research are presented. The author presented a table of experimental results and comparative histograms showing the changes. An analysis of the data of the control section of the formative stage of the study showed that the quantitative indicators of the formation of all components of social competence future social workers from the experimental group left the study with much better results than students who were in the control group. The conclusion is made about the effectiveness of the implementation in the process of professional training of future social workers of the system aimed at the formation of their social competence during professional training at the university.

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