
본 시험은 이탈리안 라이그라스 극조생종 품종을 육성하기 위하여 2001년부터 2010년까지 국립축산과학원 초지사료과에서 수행되었다. 이탈리안 라이그라스 신품종 '그린팜'는 2배체 품종으로서 엽은 녹색이며, 월동 전 초형은 직립형이고, 봄의 초형은 반직립형이다. 또한 '그린팜'는 4월 28일경에 출수하는 극조생종 품종으로 '그린팜'은 'Florida 80' 보다 지엽폭이 0.4mm 넓고, 지엽의 길이가 0.8 cm 길었으며, 출수기에 초장은 93 cm로 'Florida 80' 보다 5 cm 정도 작았다. 줄기의 두께는 'Florida 80' 보다 0.6 mm 굵고 이삭길이는 0.3 cm 짧았으며, '그린팜'의 내한성은 'Florida 80' 보다 다소 강한 품종이었다. '그린팜'의 건물수량은 11,790 kg/ha로서 'Florida 80'과 대등하였다. '그린팜'의 사료가치는 in vitro 소화율이 68.7%, 가소화양분총량(TDN)이 63.3%로서 'Florida 80' 보다 각각 1.9, 1.7% 높았고, 산성세제불용섬유(ADF)와 중성세제불용섬유(NDF)는 32.5 및 54.6%로 'Florida 80' 보다 각각 2.2 및 4.3% 낮았다. This experiment was carried out to breed a very early maturing variety of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) in Grassland and Forage Crops Division, National Institute of Animal Science, RDA, Cheonan from 2009 to 2010. A new variety, 'Green farm' is a diploid variety with green in leaf color and has erect and semi-erect growth habit in late autumn and early spring, respectively. 'Green farm' was on 28 April in heading date as a early-maturing variety. 'Green farm' was also wider by 0.4 mm in flag leaf width, longer by 0.8 cm in flag leaf length and shorter by 5 cm in plant height than those of control variety, 'Florida 80', respectively. 'Green farm' was thicker in stem thickness and stronger in winter hardness than those of the 'Florida 80'. Dry matter (DM) yield (11,790 kg/ha) of 'Green farm' was similar to that of 'Florida 80'. In vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), total digestible nutrient (TDN) and crude protein (CP) of 'Green farm' were 68.7, 63.3 and 10.3% which are 1.9, 1.7 and 0.6% higher than those of 'Florida 80', respectively. Acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) of 'Green farm' were 32.5 and 54.6% which are 2.2 and 4.3% lower than those of the 'Florida 80', respectively.

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