
The subject of research is the notion and the features of a bond as a subject of the Polish civil law. The aim of research is the exposure of the current trends of legal regulation of bond issue and handling on example of the legislation of Poland. The methodological basis of the research contains the comparative law approach. In the 
 course of investigation the author has come to the conclusion that the legislation of Poland governing the issue and handling of bonds reflects a number of current trends of the development of civil law as following: the differentiation of legal regulation of the securities market, the unacceptance of the universal concept definition of the term «security», the dematerialization of the securities, the approximation of the legal status of a share and a bond, the enhancement of the measures of the corporation’s shareholders and debt holders protection, the approximation and mutual loanword of the common and continental law countries legislation, the extention of the frame of reference of legal civil rights represented with securities.

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