
The article reveals the content and significance of the course “Theory and methods of education” in the system of training future primary school teachers at the bachelor’s level and features of preparation of students studying for a master’s degree (future teachers of pedagogy) for teaching this discipline.Purpose is: to generalize the features of training future teachers of pedagogy to teach the course “Theory and methods of education” in the system of professional education of future primary school teachers.Methods are: the method of theoretical analysis of normative educational documents and educational-methodical literature on methods of teaching pedagogy in institutions of higher pedagogical education; the method of generalization, systematization to formulate the conclusions of scientific research.Results are: the main attention of the publication is focused on theoretical and practical aspects of mastering by future primary school teachers the content of the discipline “Theory and methods of education”, formation on its basis of competencies for the implementation of pedagogical activities in a modern primary school. An important condition for the effective assimilation of the content of the course is the comprehensive training of future teachers of pedagogy in the master’s program. In particular, it is important in this context to study the methods of teaching the section of pedagogy “Theory and methods of education”, which includes acquaintance of future teachers of pedagogy with the main purposes and tasks of a course, its structure, features of construction of the working program on discipline, the list of sections and subjects, which are recommended for study by future primary school teachers. It is also important to master the most rational forms and methods of classroom organization (lectures, seminars, micro-teaching, modeling of pedagogical situations, etc.) and extracurricular (pedagogical observation of the real pedagogical process in primary school, acquaintance with pedagogical and methodical literature, study of advanced pedagogical experience, etc.) of students’ work. Factors of effective preparation of future teachers of pedagogy for teaching the course “Theory and methods of education” in the system of training future teachers of primary school are: organizational and methodological preparation of future teachers of pedagogy for teaching “Theory and methods of education”, directing the content of teaching methods to the formation of a system of theoretical knowledge on the theory and methods of education and practical skills and abilities to apply them in teaching, development of professional competence through the use of interactive teaching methods, organization of reflective activities of students studying for a master’s degree in the process and results of their own teaching activities during the internship.Conclusionsare: preparation of future teachers of pedagogy for teaching the discipline “Theory and methods of education” is a systematic and complex activity, which is aimed at forming a teacher’s personality with a high level of scientific knowledge, ability to creatively rethink educational material, practical skills for teaching educational material.Key words: theory and methods of education, methods of teaching, primary school teacher, teacher of pedagogy.

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