
At the beginning of XX Century there was a great advance in Spanish science and culture, but not in universities. The Second Republic launched a great university reform inspired by other European and American universities. The introduction of research, new studies plans, and the proliferation of university colleges, were some of the keys to the new Spanish university model. The project of the university reform of the Second Republic was actively developed until the summer of 1936, when many faculties, engineering schools, research laboratories, residences and other institutions of the Madrid Campus were already opened. The experience of Madrid was adopted by other Spanish uni-versities. In some cases, pedagogical and research methodologies have been at the forefront internationally. Access to university education and research for women has become ubiquitous. Among the university teachers were leading representatives of the Silver Age of Spanish sci-ence and culture. However, this project of reforming Spanish universi-ties was thwarted by the mutiny of July 18, 1936, one of the goals of which was to stop the modernization process launched by the Second Republic. The mutiny led to a bloody civil war, during which the new-ly opened faculties of the university campus became a zone of fierce fighting, buildings were destroyed, as was the entire university reform project.

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