
Introduction. It is necessary to note that integra- tion and globalization processes have considerably affected the training of future journalists, making new demands on the society. Due to these advanc- es different approaches to the journalist’s educa- tional process started to be used by lecturers.The purpose of the article is to analyze ap- proaches introduced in the educational process of professional journalists’ training. The methods. To achieve a certain purpose, a set of research methods have been used: general scientific including analysis and synthesis have been applied for the investigation of legal documen- tation, instructional programs; induction and de- duction have been used to highlight the features of professional journalists’ training in US universities; due to methods of system-structural and system- functional analysis the main components of journal- ism education in the USA have been singled out. Results. In the course of the research various approaches applied during the professional training of journalists in the USA have been characterized. Main peculiarities of axiological, acmeological, syn- ergetic, hermeneutic, diagnostic, competency- based, andragogic, organizational, functional- systematic, student-oriented, culturological and interdisciplinary approaches have been identified. Due to the freedom of the development of the socie- ty it has been investigated that these approaches have such similarities: integrated use of learning tools, methods and technologies; reasonable focus on forming professional qualities of future journal- ists. The scientific originality of the results obtained is determined by the fact that for the first time thor- ough analysis of approaches used in the US educa- tional system for the professional journalists’ train- ing has been conducted. Conclusion. On the basis of the conducted re- search it is outlined that the professional journal- ists’ training at the US universities is grounded on theoretical likewise practical approaches. Taking into consideration developed provisions, the organi- zation of professional journalists’ training, will con- tribute to the formation of highly qualified media specialists abled to compete in the labor market.

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