
According to long-term surveys of apple plantations in Ukraine, they are da maged by an unpaired western bark beetle (Xyleborus dispar F.). The share of this pest colonizing perennial plantations in Ukraine is about 30%, and there is also a tendency of spreading colonization of this type of production tracts over fruit plantations. The prevalence of bark beetle in production areas of orchards has increased significantly in recent years. Unpaired pest, unlike many other species of bark beetles, completely destroys healthy trees. The increase in the number and harmfulness of odd western bark beetle is associated with climate change, the use of various protection systems, etc. Nowadays measures to reduce the number of this species consisted only of a mechanical technique (cutting and burning dam-aged trees) and spraying of garden plantings in the phase of “swelling of the buds ‒ beginning of budding” with old insecticides of second generation (metaphos, chlorophos, carbophos, etc). Pruning and burning damaged trees are an ineffective measures to reduce the number of pests in orchards. The expediency of testing a number of modern insecticides is urgent and effective against a complex of phytophages in the “green cone” phase ‒ “ Rose bud” (beetle, goose, budworm, apple blossom beetle, aphids, leafworms) ‒ “end of flowering” (leafworms, aphids) and can be effective against the western unpaired bark beetle. The basis was the du-ration of action and the peculiarities of the mechanism of action of these insecticides (contact intestinal action ‒ Aktara 240 SC, HP, Mospilan, P. P., Calypso 480 SC , etc. and contact, par-tially systemic action with fumigation effect ‒ Bi‑58 new, etc., Pirinex Super, etc., Danadim stable, etc., Danadim Mix, etc., Fufanon 570, etc.). The use of the drugs mentioned above (for double treatment of plantings) demonstrated high technical efficiency against openly living phytophages (for the first treatment of plantations ‒ against aphids, leafworms, garden wee-vils and tube worms, for the second treatment ‒ against aphids, leafworms), which amounted to 91,3‒99,2%. The western unpaired bark beetle (Xyleborus dispar F.) is a permanent species in the industrial areas of the apple tree. And therefore, protecting trees from it in industrial plantings should be an integral part of modern technology for obtaining fruit products. Un-doubtedly, the application of the complex of insecticides Bi‑58 new, к.е. (2,0 l/ha), Pirinex Super, к.е. (1,25 l/ha), Danadim stable, etc. (2,0 l/ha), Danadim Mix, etc. (2,0 l/ha), Fufanon 570, E.C. (2,0 l/ha) is a highly effective method for reducing the harmfulness of the western unpaired bark beetle in industrial plantations of apple trees, an economically beneficial meth-od in the modern intensive protection technologies.


  • According to long-term surveys of apple plantations in Ukraine, they are da­m­ aged by an unpaired western bark beetle (Xyleborus dispar F.)

  • Захід може бути ефективним й проти західного непарного короїда

  • Результати наших досліджень переконують, що застосування препарату Данадим Cтабільний (2,0 л/га), передусім за рахунок його тривалої системно‐контактної дії, є ефективним для зниження шкідливої дії західного непарного короїда, а пізніше – й способом обприскування промислових насаджень безпосередньо після закінчення фази “цвітіння” дерев

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According to long-term surveys of apple plantations in Ukraine, they are da­m­ aged by an unpaired western bark beetle (Xyleborus dispar F.). (2,0 л/га) є високоефективним заходом у зниженні шкідливості західного непарного короїда за сучасних інтенсивних технологій захисту промислових насаджень яблуні.

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