
The law enforcement component provides for actions to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens and protect the national interests of the state. It maybe done through the fight against organized crime, including international terrorism, the investigation of certain illegal acts, the restoration of an effective system of national security and defense. In the framework of this scientific and legal article, the author considered the history, legal basis of professional activity, structure and tasks of the Central Bureau of Investigation of India. Today's Indian CBI is a certain functional-targeted analogue of the American FBI, but does not cover, in contrast, the issue of threats to India's national security. Considering these subject aspects, the scientist turned to the current legislation of India on the professional activities of the CBI, the official website, as well as the scientific works of some domestic and foreign experts on this issue. An analysis of these and other sources revealed that the Central Bureau of Investigation of India today is a functional target of the US FBI, whose prerogative is to investigate a number of serious crimes throughout India, although, unlike the FBI, its professional rights in India states are significantly limited. The Bureau of Investigation does not carry out intelligence or counterintelligence activities, following the example of the FBI. The priority in the professional activities of the Central Bureau of Investigation of India is the investigation of criminal offenses, primarily corruption. Incomplete regulatory regulation of its activity remains a big problem for this body. The CBI's prerogative is to investigate a number of serious crimes throughout India, although, unlike the FBI, its professional rights in the Indian states are severely limited. A certain priority in the CBI's professional activities is the investigation of criminal offenses committed by government officials. First of all, we are talking about acts of corruption. A major problem for today's Indian CBI is the lack of separate clear legislation on its professional activities.

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