
This article analyzes the interactions between Great Britain, Scotland and the European Union as a result of the emergence of a new status of their relationship as a result of Brexit. To conduct the study, the following meth-ods were used: analysis of scientific literature, results of public opinion polls, synthesis and logical generaliza-tion of conclusions, a systematic approach to formulate various options for a possible solution to the problem of Scottish independence. The results of a study of the relationship between the British and Scottish governments in the negotiation process are presented, with particular reference to the goals of Scottish institutions. The study of this case study of intergovernmental cooperation within one country was complemented by an analysis of the adopted model of decentralization in the light of the changes that follow from a systemic, socio-economic and political point of view from leaving the EU, taking into account the role of the UK. Possible directions for the development of Scottish independence are formulated, taking into account various points of view, social, eco-nomic and political factors influencing the above processes: receive an offer from the European Union on con-tinuity in order to remain in the union as a permanent member; hold a referendum on independence, for which the consent of Great Britain must be obtained; remain in the United Kingdom and develop the economy togeth-er without EU participation. It is shown that it is necessary to make possible decisions based on the justification of all possible consequences of each option.

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