
The methods and devices developed by the authors to optimize wound healing have been successfully used in the treatment of 59 patients aged 15 to 57 years with open and gunshot fractures of the lower extremities. These methods and devices include: a method of distraction autodermatoplasty; devices (2) for the replacement of wound skin defects in non-focal osteosynthesis of open limb fractures; a three-row vertical mattress suture; a method for increasing the reliability of a surgical node; a method for topical application of perfluorane. All of them are protected (seven of them are protected by patents of the Russian Federation for inventions, one — by a certificate for a rational offer). Along with high efficiency, they are distinguished by simplicity, the absence of the need to search for additional tools and the possibility to perform in medical institutions of any level. Descriptions of methods and devices are given, as well as indications and contraindications, advantages over traditional methods and devices, and illustrations of each method and device.

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