
The article describes efficient operation of catching vessels, which mostly depends on their automation level. Development and improvement of technologies of mid-water trawl fishing and purse seining will be oriented to form automated systems for these very promising fishery methods. The experience of the development and operation of such systems in the fleet proves the increased productivity of the quality of work. Automated processes of mid-water trawling and purse seining will help to shorten operation costs of catching vessels due to decreasing the number of catch failures that reach 50% at present. Purse seine trawling and deep-sea trawling are characterized by a complex interaction of the crew with a technological control facility that includes a purse seine or trawl, a ship equipped with fishing gear, navigation and fish retrieval equipment. The process of purse seining and mid-water trawling consists of several stages, most of which require processing a large flow of input information, issuing commands in a short period of time, and taking into account dynamics of vessel maneuvering, as well. The resulting misalignment of these factors becomes a great number of catch failures and damages of fishing gear. Microprocessor systems with low cost and great functional flexibility can optimize the process of vessel operation control and close the gap between the amount of information and possibility to use it. The development of microprocessors has great opportunities due to creating the automated technical process management system.


  • The article describes efficient operation of catching vessels, which mostly depends on their automation level

  • Purse seine trawling and deep-sea trawling are characterized by a complex interaction of the crew with a technological control facility that includes

  • Akhmedzhanova Aliya Baimuratovna – Russia, 414056, Astrakhan; Astrakhan State Technical University; Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Aquaculture and Fishery; aliyaakhmed14@gmail.com

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