
Overview of the modern Russian and International standards in the field of occupational health and safety management at an enterprise is presented. It is determined that the proactive method of assessing the state of working conditions at the enterprise has advantages over the post-event approaches to the development of corrective actions. The assessment is made concerning the application of the generalized Harrington desirability function, which has such properties as continuity, monotonicity, and smoothness. Based on this function, it is possible to assess the state and conditions of occupational safety and compare the indicators of various mining enterprises. GOST—2016 was analyzed, and the number of changes were proposed to the method of mathematical calculation. On the example of data provided by the Russian coal industry enterprise, an assessment was made related to the effectiveness and efficiency of the occupational health and safety management system. The values of the linguistic and numerical assessments of the state of the occupational health and safety management system are obtained. Graphic representation of the Harrington function with numerical and linguistic estimates superimposed on it is presented. The applied practices of internal and external audits of the occupational safety management system allow to identify deviations in its work, but they have rather long intervals between checks — from 1 to 3 years. The result of the performed analytical research is an improved methodology for assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the occupational safety management system, which allows to make this work more often, easier, and cheaper. Made calculations of the desirability index for a mining enterprise are an example, but they should be carefully analyzed by senior managers for assessment and decision-making. Practical recommendations on the use of the research results by the employer (head of the organization) to improve and develop the system management of occupational health and safety are presented.

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