
The relevance of the article is determined by the fact that in modern conditions the effective functioning of the foreign exchange market is impossible without the mechanisms of its effectivestate regulation. The main features of the functioning of the foreign exchange market of Ukraine are: uncertainty due to differences in the motives of its subjects, which has the opposite effect on the dynamics of exchange rates; financial instability of economic entities due to high volatility of exchange rates; the frequency of currency crises that threaten the economic and national security of the country; the possibility of long periods of currency instability, which poses a risk to the functioning of economic entities. As a result of applying a systematic approach to the study of the national economy as a large economic self-regulatory system, it is established that the main principles of its operation are: openness; multidimensionality; dynamic equilibrium; stability. The historical aspects of the formation of the national economy on the basis of ethical economic order as a closed economic system, incapable of self-organization, self-regulation, fully controlled state, which had a monopolistic character and developed extensively. The dialectical connections between Ukraine’s political and economic sovereignty are generalized, and it is established that the guarantee of the latter in the conditions of open economy is the international economic competitiveness of the country. The concept of sovereignty is considered everywhere through the prism of institutional theory and ensuring order of open access to political and economic resources on a competitive basis and limited access to them on the basis of rent-oriented behavior. It is shown that at present Ukraine has a mature order of limited access. The features of classification of national economies as objects of regulation are systematized and its types are distinguished: by possibilities of formalization, by degree of development of external relations, by ability to balance, by economic order, by spheres of economic relations, by size.

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